Voxengo Stereo Touch acts friendly towards both the CPU and you. The light and swift plugin offers a total of eight knobs that shapes the fundamental characteristics of the stereo image. Furthermore, any mono signal going through Stereo Touch will receive spatial enlargement without any phasing issues, maintaining the natural textures of the original recording.
The discovery of macaque oil palm nut processing provides the first opportunity to compare the artefactual signature of two non-human primates known to engage in the same behaviour with the same nut species. Although chimpanzee stone tool use at Bossou has been known for decades, there are no published reports providing detailed technological and use-damage attributes of tools used outside the field laboratory. From the few available studies that include average tool sizes at natural settings in Bossou, however, our analysis shows that hammerstones used by chimpanzees for cracking E. guineensis are significantly larger than those of the YNI macaques. This finding may indicate that both species are selecting hammerstones based in part on their body size and strength, instead of converging on an optimum hammerstone weight and size for the efficient processing of oil palm nuts. The macaque hammerstone transect sample shows a prevalence of limestone tools, followed by those of laterite and granite. This hammerstone selection may mirror the natural ratios of these raw materials in the YNI landscape, although future work will be required to quantify that comparison. However, all granite stones that were identified in transect surveys had been used as hammerstones, which may indicate a degree of raw material selectivity [14]. At Bossou, the chimpanzees also seem to preferentially select specific raw materials for oil palm nut-cracking in natural settings. For example, at the Moblim SA13 site, locally available granite was preferentially selected over other raw materials [20].
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No use-wear studies are currently available for stones used by Bossou chimpanzees away from the on-site field laboratory. However, with the caveat that differences may exist between natural behaviour and that found at the laboratory, we can use a recent study of experimental stones from Bossou [26] to make an initial comparison of chimpanzee damage patterns with those of the YNI macaques. Many of the chimpanzee oil palm processing stone tools possessed central pits, some of which were surrounded by slightly polished regions, located on the topographic high regions. The degree of pitting on those tools was largely dictated by the quality of the raw material, with much of it associated with percussive damage on a friable oxide outer coating. By contrast, none of the macaque tools studied here had artificially produced central pitting, even if naturally occurring concavities were present on the tool surface. We note, however, that this finding will need to be tested against other used raw materials at YNI, particularly those that are more friable than limestone.
The Multiband Dynamics device is a flexible tool for modifying the dynamic range of audio material. Designed primarily as a mastering processor, Multiband Dynamics allows for upward and downward compression and expansion of up to three independent frequency bands, with adjustable crossover points and envelope controls for each band. Each frequency range has both an upper and lower threshold, allowing for two types of dynamics processing to be used simultaneously per band.
Pure DCompressor provide the tools for restoring the original dynamics of the audio material. The dynamics processing algorithms are designed to automatically increase the peak dynamics, in order to provide full control of the dynamics and revert your signal to a more natural condition, even on an extremely compressed audio material. Pure DCompressor v3Bring back the natural dynamics and air on an overcompressed lifeless track, restore a smashed mix to the original dynamics of the audio, and take full control of the dynamics again.
Instead of processing transients at a particular threshold, Transpire works harder on the definition of the lower levels of a signal while keeping the more prominent transients intact. This non-linear approach results in a more natural overall sound with steadier dynamics than you might experience from other transient processors.
If the compressors are pushed down a lot, they come back faster. This protects against "gaps" in the audio after a loud sound, and hence allows to set the normal release values much slower. SielCo 30 Watt FM-zender.Deze FM zender kan als losse zender worden gebruikt of als aansturing voor een eindtrap. This, together with Progressive Release, is the "magic sause" that many processors use to create a "big" sound. Progessive ratios add more density for louder sounds - the compressors go down deeper if you add more audio volume. This also makes compression far less audible. For very dynamic content they move faster, for already dense content they move slower. The compressors dynamically adjust their speeds depending on incoming content. Dynamic attack/release timing in AGC and all compressors.Even the multiband compressors there can be used to great effect if you know what you are doing. Also the natural dynamics thing can be used to good effect.